Monday, April 14, 2014

New Ninja Turtles Trailer

How has this not been discussed yet? I feel like this trailer kind of snuck by everyone.  The only reason why I caught it was because I found out that Johnny freaking Knoxville is going to be voicing Leonardo.  It's not like I hate the dude, just feel like he has too recognizable of a voice.  The trailer definitely peaks my interest though, the turtle game changed forever when Rondo took off his orange mask and you realize that your childhood turtles are donezo. And can you imagine the things that Megan Fox had to do to Micahel Bay's duck butter in order to get the April O'neil gig? I mean she was fired from Transformer's for Christ's sake. Not that I'm complaining, she's a bit of an upgrade from the last April:

I'm just hoping Casey Jones shows up and kicks some ass. He was always my favorite for some reason even though he only had like 10 minutes of screen time.  Now excuse me while I go watch the 3rd April O'neil in all of our lives.

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